Fairy Tale for School: Adam wanted me to post it
In a small village called Greenville, a beautiful woman lived in a nice cottage near the edge of the town. She was very popular amongst the village people, but was very greedy.
Beyond this village, there was a massive forest, that was very dark and no one dared venture into this forest. Many wondered what was inside this forest.
One day, this beautiful woman was walking through the market, and when she saw a man speaking about the forest, being a curious person, she stopped to listen to him, though she had never met him. The man spoke of great riches being hidden in the forest. The woman, being greedy, listened closely to hear about riches. The man finally closed off his talk about the forest, and the woman went home. On the way home, she ran into her friend, who was also listening to the man talking.
“So,” said the woman, “what did you think about that speech?”
“I don’t believe him,” said her friend, “In fact, I totally disagree.”
“What do you mean?” “I heard plenty of people go in, and find nothing…their problem is getting out.”
“Interesting…well I guess I’ll see you later on.”
The woman came home, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not get her thoughts off the riches that could potentially await her in the forest. The next day, she decided to trust a total stranger and go into the woods despite what her friend said. Her greediness led her into going into the forest.
So, she journeyed forth through the forest. Every once in a while, she would encounter an obstacle that she would think was impossible. She would think, “I should turn back, this is dangerous.” But then she would think of the potential riches that could potentially await her. Again, she would come up to an obstacle and think, “No, I must turn back.” But she would continue. This happened a numerous amount of times, but she continued. Finally, she reached an opening in the forest, where there was a large mansion. She went up to knock on the door, and an elderly woman opened the door.
“Excuse me, ma’m, but I’m wondering if I can have my riches.”
The elder, who was actually a witch, said, “You evil child! Your greed has led you here for nothing but the sole sake of riches! You shall be my slave because of your greediness!”
The witch took up the woman and locked her away forever. My story is over. If you can learn a few lessons from this woman, it is these: Trust your instinct, like the woman should have when she thought about turning around in the forest, trust your friends, not total strangers, and don’t be greedy to point of doing insane things.
Beautiful woman
Dark Forest

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2 Response to " "

  1. The Newton Family Blog, on September 23, 2009 at 4:20 PM said:

    Very nice. I loved the ending. ;)

  2. The Newton Family Blog, on September 23, 2009 at 4:20 PM said:

    That comment above is from me, adam.

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